Prism Labs

Supporting passionate developers & creating cool software!

Who are we?

Prism Labs started as a simple umbrella label. A convenient place for our founder to store his projects under.

Now Prism Labs aspires to be a place for other developers to bring great ideas that can benifit from the resources we have to offer.

Take a look at some of the projects we are involved with below. If you would like to get involved with Prism Labs or have a project of your own that you think would benifit from what Prism labs has to offer, feel free to reach out!

Encrypted Chat Service

Prism Chat


Open source, anonymous, decentralized and E2E enchrypted chat application. Host your own server and rely on our zero trust server model to stay secure.

Self hosted headless CMS

CMS Base


All in one CMS designed for development of headless systems. manage all your content, authentication, email marketing and form submissions. Multi-tenanted out of the box to manage all your projects.

Self Hosted Form Submission

Prism Mailer


Securely manage form submissions from anywhere and relay them to a mailing list. Verifies origin and intigration with popular CAPTCHA providers.

